Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The kids kat rumah today, their school declared cuti from today untill 19th August.

I feel save if the kids at home. For the past 2 weeks.. demam anak2 silih berganti.. starting from Ammar.. (mc 3 hari) then Azim (mc 4 hari) then syasya (mc 4 hari) then sarah... batuk ngada2... but she complained sakit kat perut... and kerap lapar... walaupun baru sudah makan. Biasanya itu tanda2 gastrik... so me & my hubby.. p cari milk for her... ration for 1 week.

Alhamdulillah, the kids condition okay... but pity Azim.. his real trial exam terlepas 1 hari. Itupun the fourth day ... Azim dah tak sabar nak p sekolah, walaupun masih ada baki cutii dari doc lagi . ( Kalu kita... mc harus di habiskan... hee hee hee)

The Section 7 School, memang ada kes pelajar positif H1N1, according to Syasya... budak darjah 1B dah positif. Then when I got the letter from school yesterday ( Sarah gave it to me) it was written that the school is still monitoring the progress, by reporting the number of students being absent from school. I didn't see any instruction saying, the school will be on cuti .... instead only stated their action for this worrying matters.

Then how do I confirmed the school off today? hee hee hee...

Just happened to be... my neighbour is one of the teacher kat sekolah my kids... so dekat maghrib semalam...( I still tak sampai rumah lagi... sian anak2) she informed Azim.. that the school cuti ... tu laaa sebab boleh tau....

What worries me more ialah... UPSR Azim, Exam will be on 8/9 ( dah dekat tuh... mama dah ketaq pala lutut ) , skng cuti seminggu, pas tu sekolah on 20 & 21 then cuti sekolah pulak.... lagi seminggu... takut his semangat nak exam dia melompat2 turun.... What to do... the kids nyer health is much more important.

Note :-
Bengang sungguh bila tau ada orang yang dapat mc... dan patut quarantine diri sendiri kat rumah... boleh pegi shopping... tengok konsert... and be kat area public... cam nerrr lahhh nak curb the matter... Malaysian.... Malaysian

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