Thursday, April 10, 2008

This is life - Where Are We?

Terpanggil hari ini untuk berkata-kata tentang piket yang diadakan di perkarangan bangunan SUK Selangor semalam,

My hubby asked me yesterday "When you pass by the SUK office just now, did you see alot of people doing picket over there?" my answer "no I don't, sbb I tak lalu kat situ hari ini, I lalu kat section 15, kat situ ada orang berkampung + berpiket sbb kilang suddently tutup".

When i asked him what is the reason for these people to do such things.... he mentioned " Kerajaan luluskan tempat penternakan babi kat area sepang, so these people nak show protest"
I wonder why must they do that.... OK yes... kita tak makan babi but... other races did... bila kita orang islam tak makan tak bermakna orang dari ugama lain tak leh makan.... lagipun kan baik bila penternakan dilakukan secara berpusat.... tak lah bersepah - sepah mcm skng. Dulu I keje kat gomen.... aduan penternakan tak terkawal ni selalu ada.... skng berpusat ok lah tu....

Then i borak-borak ngan member kat sebelah.... he asked me " today news .... one of the kilang in section 15 suddently closed, and what pity most is that the management already spoke to the union and agreed to work together to overcome this matters... suddently on monday when they are ready to work they found the kilang closed" .... again .... another picket ... but for different reason.... These people got alot of things in life to settle.... A - Z....

Thinking of what they may feel inside buat I kecut perut, If they cannot find any solution, where would they head to.... need to feed the kids, place to stay, debts to clear.... and etc....

Malam I dengar berita on babi matters kat TV, oh.... like that.... they have their reasons for not being satisfied... (The thing is ... when we are matured enough... we are able to differenciate the good and the ugly side of news report... we decide... Today got extra news.... for the picket on babi matters.... why is the report so different...??? - rasanya kadang-kadang baik tengok Simon Cowell kat American Idol...syiok giler..... ) ....

Anyway .... today lalu lagi kat kilang sec 15 tu... masalah masih belum selesai... setiap kenderaan yang lalu bunyikan hon tanda menyokong.... sekurang-kurangnya mungkin mereka sedikit lega kerana ada orang yang memberikan perhatian walaupun setakat membunyikan hon. I personally believed that these people need more attention.... before masalah sosial pula berlaku berikutan keperluan untuk meneruskan hidup...

Melihatkan kedua-dua masalah ini, I Doakan kedua-dua kumpulan mempunyai jiwa yang kuat dan pemikiran yang lebih positif to face the problems...

Di manakah kita ketika ini.... adakah masalah kita lebih hebat dari mereka... ? If not.... start to appreciate what ever we have at this moment... THIS IS LIFE...

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