Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Big Day

My son. My eldest son is sitting for his UPSR trial today.

He woke up as usual... nothing seems to be so important for him today... (well that makes me worry). When I said this to him " good luck abang, in your trial... hope u can do your best" this was his answer " mama.. tolong hantar abang ma" my reply will of course " okay... hari ni mama hantar".

Azim sangat relax... betul-betul relax...

Mama ini yang risau... sebenarnya I'm not worry samada Azim boleh jawab soalan atau tidak... what I worry most... ialah.. kebolehan Azim berhadapan dengan pressure... to meet time and to answer within time given. Betul atau tidak jawapan.. for me itu bukan pokok persoalan... yang penting... is he ready for the pressure...

So far nampak okay... sbb tu dia nampak sangat relax...

Harap-harap anak mama okay sepanjang trial ini.

Sometimes rasa lawak juga... anak baru sit for the trial... mak dia dah huru hara....

Itulah rasanya jadi mak....

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