Monday, November 3, 2008

Tangkap Muat

Every morning since last three weeks... I tuned to Sinar FM... Morning talk by KR, KE & SY...
Would wait and listen to SY new translated songs... funny giler ahhhh...

There was a topic discussed about "emosi', some caller called to share thier emotion and there were some yang only sms... still remember an sms by a teacher it says " geram betul dengan budak2 ni mcm aku tak mengajar pulak.... ada ke pulak soalan siapa tokoh negara dijawabnya, Farid Kamil" (sound something like that laaaa.....) , then the DJ said maybe the student watched Hati Malaya....

At that point of time I memang gelak.... gelak besar giler..... ini adalah tahap2 student yg tangkap muat bila dah tak dek jawapan nak bagi.... yg penting kertas jawapan tak kosong....

That actualy remind me of my classmate when I was in std 6. My teacher Cikgu Siti Rohani ( arwah ) tgh tanda kertas jawapan sejarah kat rumah..... then she told us she can't stop laughing looking at the answers... and she has to share it with us....

The Question was... " Namakan 5 Bugis Bersaudara yang datang ke Tanah Melayu"
and my friend's answer was " 1) Daing Merewah 2) Daing Perani 3) Daing Celak 4) Daing Kemboja 5) Daing Zarina.... ( heee heee heee...... ) answer no. 5 tuh sbb tak ingat saudara yang lagik sorang tuhhhh..... so nama aku pun menjadi penyelamat jawapan....

I still remember... his name is Hafizul Ali....

Masih lagi ada spesis Hafizul Ali kat Malaysia nih...... tah tah tu anak dier.... haaa haaaa haaaa......

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