Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wrong word Sorry!!!!

Few days ago... we in the office came to know that one of our officemate had been rushed to the hospital. Condition? unknown... but based on the look of the person (Mr K) who broke the news it seems that that guy whom I used to call Uncle Lim must be in a very serious condition.

That freak accicent happened that morning itself.. so happened I was not quite busy at that time... feel like visiting him at the hospital, I sms Mr K... " if u r visiting Uncle Lim tdy can I flw u?...." ahhhh suddently Mr K ( i don't know should I call it walk or running) to our big boss office... that tense has created another rumours ... " is Uncle Lim in a bad condition" then another version " Bomba went there to assist... it must be very serious!!!", " A tanker fall onto his car", " he rammed onto something that falls from the lorry", " he is unconcious".... and the rumours goes on and on....

Mr K was still in boss's office... half and hour had passed.... arghhhh I think I should call his other close friends... it is better that way ....

Upon calling his close friends ( which is also our colleagues) I get to know that he is also looking for answers... but will get back to me soonest he can.... next thing I knew from him that Uncle Lim is concious and can recognise people.... but his knees were badly injured and an iron rod... from the front lorry... ( arrrgghhhhh geli ahhh nak sebut.... errrrrrrrr) caused 20 stiches on his neck...

If that is the case... then we in the office shouldn't worry anymore....

BUT..... BUT......

Out of nowhere.... one of the new exec in the office said this to me " hai yaaa Daing.... no big deal laaaa.... its no big deal......" I then turned to her and said " what is it ... no big deal?", so this is the answer " that Uncle Lim laaaa..... his condition no big deal laaaaa" I was shock to death ... how could she used such word for the person who was just escape death... my goodnesss.... this is my reply " how could you say that... the person is unconcious since morning.... what la you......." I felt very annoyed "no laaaaa I mean his condition is okay laaaa thats why no big deal lorrrr" she tried to explain..... That NO BIG DEAL word is tremendously unacceptable...

BUT.... BUT ....

Giving it a second thought.... maybe .... maybe....yaaaaa.... it is a direct translation... what she meant could be... Uncle Lim is okay.... he is in a good condition.... we need not to worry...
Since then it has been a joke in the office " The No Big Deal" , when we talk about it we will laugh.... ( note : This lady ( already 40) always... when she speaks in english... she would probably used the wrong phrase/word... that will bring totally different meaning : ) we are so mean to her...

A True Story
Boy : Taukeh Can I order I chicken pox...
Brother : haaa haaa haaa... no it is not chicken pox, it is chop stick laaa
Brother : Taukeh... give me I chop stick
Taukeh : we sell neither.... but we do have Chicken Chop...

Oppsssss Sorry Wrong Word.....

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