Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Today is the greatest day

I guessed the rain started around 4.45am....
Heavy rain + strong wind + thunder = banjir...
Since the cuaca agak gelap this morning... my kids thought it was still early... took thier own sweet time minum milo + sausage bun I baked last night... Ammar & Syasya woke up quite early today... (the thunder wake them actually... )... Ammar joined Azim for breakfast... since ada gang... they started gigling for unknown matters....

"cepat abang azim.... you'll be late.... " I remind him... Sarah has already put on her shoes... but then request this " can someone get for me my milo" Ayoooooo.... its already 7.30am... rupanya Sarah tak minum lagi & expect someone to bring the milo to her kat pintu rumah...
"masuk je lahhhh... ambik sendiri" my hubby said... (ribut kat luar dah habis ... kat dalam rumah pulak ribut .... hee heee heee )

Suddenly Syasya pulak muntah.... dari semalam fever.... jam dah 7.40am... my hubby bawa syasya minum paracetamol.... I wipe the floor... " cepat azim.... sarah.... lambat nie....." again I remind them....

I terus masuk kereta... kelam kabut yg lain2 masuk juga....

Cuaca kat luar masih gelap... mcm jam 7.00 lagi....

When we reached the first T Junction .... nampak air longkang besar betul2 penuh... reaching the second T junction... air retention pond dah sampai kat jogging track... nasib baik kat 3rd T junction tak banjir...... after U turn kat simpang 4..... WALAU WEHHHHHH... jln kat sebelah tadi tu rupanya jammed... I thought .. banyak kereta sbb... hujan... people will opt to drive today...

Drop the kids kat school... so terus ikut jalan biasa untuk ke Klang... ALAMAK... jammed jugak.... then ikut jalan area apartment... lepas gak masuk jalan ke Klang.... Today I need to send my Hubby to Office kat Port Klang... sbb dah lewat... normally I just send him to Padang Jawa.. he will take the train to port... then walk a bit to the office... the latest train he should get into is at 7.45am... tak pe lahhhhh bukan selalu....

We then stuck kat Klang (jln setentang Jusco Bukit Raja) Kereta sepenuh2 jalan... moving foward we found out that rupanya air naik.... dan...... KLANG JAMMED.... kereta kat flyover tak gerak langsung... ayoooooo.... kiri ... kanan.... depan... semua air naik.... option yang ada ialah U turn.... nampak orang kat tepi Jusco... diri dalam air separas lutut orang dewasa... tinggi tu... kalu kereta lalu... lemas kereta ....

My hubby suruh U turn guna highway Shahpadu.... jauh sikit la....... haaaa baru lah syok memandu..... 45mins sampai office hubby I.... if jalan biasa normally 10 minutes dah sampai...

I have to gunakan Kesas Highway.... kereta banyak giler.... nak sampai kesas dari port pun took me 30mins...

Pleasent driving at kesas... but not after the Bukit Rimau Tol.... form the cubic area I can see... numbers of cars... already on the left side of the road... kat depan kereta mcm tak gerak2... TO WAIT OR TO GO.... baik jalan je lah.... jam dah 9.15...

JAMMED... JAMMED......JAMMED... according to the toll operator , there is an accident ... I dah standby with camera... kot2 ada benda yang intersting to shoot.... sampai sudah accident tak de... yang ade hanyalah....... ABANG + ADIK POLIS jaga jalan.... 3 lanes nak masuk kanan.... 1 lane nak terus.... I himpit kiri sikit dan ahhhhhhhh lega rasanya.... jalan clear..... tak sampai 1 km AYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! JAMMED LAGI..... bila sampai hujung jalan... tak de ape sebenarnya cuma kerja2 baiki jalan kat sebelah kiri..... lepas je jalan tu ( after4km with 20km - 40km/hr driving) lega sikit.... turun kat jalan kiri ke Shah Alam.... lepas je kat corner...... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH..... JAMMED JUGAK.... adoi..... kenyang makan roti dalam kereta jek....

Around 9.55am sampai kat office ( after 2 hrs ++ driving.... kalu p Melaka dah sampai dah)

1. The storm wakes every one.... and the six of us met each other ( normally Ammar & Syasya was still sleeping when we took off)
2. I started to appreaciate kesenangan semalam..
3. I tau jalan baru ke Port Klang
4. I layan Fly FM
5. MOST IMPORTANT ialah..... I rasa today adalah hari paling happening..... Jammed giler but no one bunyikan hon.... SYABAS PEMANDU MALAYSIA....

1 comment:

S.YanaZ said...

Entri yg mendamaikan...