Wednesday, December 9, 2009

mama, atuk, cucu n cubic

"mama siapkan yg atas dulu" ... ahhhh senang jer... I supposed.... yes its quite easy.. less than one minute... " then mama buat first layer"... uhhh!!! senang juga... but still took few minutes to understand which colour goes where... "ok siap" I said... " then mama do the second layer"...... I silent for a while and asked " how to?"... " ok... mula-mula mama turun bawah.. pastu pusing kanan.. then naik balik then turun kiri.. pas tu pusing kiri.... tapi ingat... kalau warna kat sebelah kiri.. kene pusing kanan.." ok.. it sounds easy... tapi berkerut2 dahi berfikir... lepas buat merah.. hijau berterabur... buat hijau .. merah pulak berterabur... " ala tak pandai laaa.... ajar lagi cam ner...." dengan sabar... cikgu muda ini mengajar " ok mula mula.. turun bawah.. then pusing kanan...." I just followed the instruction... tiba tiba.... "mama nie... kanan kiri pun dah tak kenal".... haaa haa haaa.... It makes me laughed to tears... kene marah ngan anak sendiri...
Akhirnya... separuh give up... letak tepi dulu.. esok sambung...

The next day... the number of cikgu added.... sabar sungguh cikgu2 muda nie... atau mungkin cikgu pertama penat mengajar mama dia... hee hee hee... After 2 weeks of short classes, I just managed to complete the second layer... the third layer and the final face... hancur...

Last two days... Cikgu muda dapat murid baru... namanya Atuk... (hee hee hee) which is my father... bersungguh2 atuk mendengar arahan cikgu muda... then atuk kata " that is very easy..." dlm hati I said... "memanglah easy.. cikgu kat sebelah... cuba buat sendiri..." ini adalah pandangan orang2 yang underestimate kebolehan atuk....

Yesterday.. to my suprise... Atuk purchase a note book, which costs him... RM3... he wrote every single instruction form the cikgu muda... and starts practicing... Every petua also he jot down... such an obedient student...

When I step into my parents house yesterdsay... the cikgu2 muda were saying this to me " mama... Atuk is the best student... Atuk tulis semua instruction.. then Atuk practice" I just sengeh and asked my father... " apa status? layer berapa dah? " ini adalah soalan orang yang jeles.. hee hee hee...

Then cikgu2 muda tambah lagi " ajar mama.. susah.... kanan kiri pun dah tak kenal...."

Never came across my mind to do just like my father did... sbb to me... I just want my kids to feel that I appreciate their knowledge and the skill the had... but at the same time... it inspire me... to be part of the cubic master... to complete the whole color... and as for Atuk... masa terluang sekarang... digunakan dengan baik to compelete the cubic...

Today... I didn't send the kids to my parents' house... coz last night.. my parents overnight kat rumah my sis... Tapi pagi2 tadi... my father dah fetch my kids... could be 2 reasons... first he might feel great with the kids around ... makan ramai2 and solat ramai2.... second.... mungkin belum khatam ilmu cubic lagi... haa haa haa...

Semoga atuk berjaya....
Today lunch hour : atuk tgh study.. pergerakan cubic...

P/S... cikgu2 muda ialah Azim n Ammar...

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